let a = 5;;
;; terminates ocaml phrases.
let is not an assignment. It identifies new identifier with new scope.
let rec defines a recursive function.
;; terminates ocaml phrases.
let is not an assignment. It identifies new identifier with new scope.
let rec defines a recursive function.
Data Types
int, float, bool, char, string
int, float, bool, char, string
Pattern Matching
let rec doNothing list = match list with
[] -> []
| head::tail -> head::doNothing(tail);;
the | defines different cases to match with.
[] case implies that list is a list and this is the case if it's empty.
head::tail case also implies that list is a list and head is the first element of the list and tail is the sublist without that head.
Ocaml can't modify in-place a list after it's built they are immutable data structures.
A function with a list as input will build and return a new list with or without the elements of the input list.
let rec doNothing list = match list with
[] -> []
| head::tail -> head::doNothing(tail);;
the | defines different cases to match with.
[] case implies that list is a list and this is the case if it's empty.
head::tail case also implies that list is a list and head is the first element of the list and tail is the sublist without that head.
Ocaml can't modify in-place a list after it's built they are immutable data structures.
A function with a list as input will build and return a new list with or without the elements of the input list.
let deriv f dx = function x -> ( f (x +. dx) -. f x ) /. dx;;
This phrase evaluates to
(float -> float) -> float -> float -> float = <fun>
1 2 3 4 5
1. (float -> float) is the type of f
The braces mean that f is a function. It takes in a float and outputs a float
since in f (x +. dx) we are passing in a floating point number to f because +. is a floating point addition.
And ( f (x +. dx) -. f x ) indicates that f outputs a floating point number because -. is floating point subtraction.
2. float is what dx type is.
3. float is what x's type is.
4. float is what the function deriv's output type is.
5. <fun> indicates that it's a function.
let deriv f dx = function x -> ( f (x +. dx) -. f x ) /. dx;;
This phrase evaluates to
(float -> float) -> float -> float -> float = <fun>
1 2 3 4 5
1. (float -> float) is the type of f
The braces mean that f is a function. It takes in a float and outputs a float
since in f (x +. dx) we are passing in a floating point number to f because +. is a floating point addition.
And ( f (x +. dx) -. f x ) indicates that f outputs a floating point number because -. is floating point subtraction.
2. float is what dx type is.
3. float is what x's type is.
4. float is what the function deriv's output type is.
5. <fun> indicates that it's a function.
User Defined Types
type ratio = {num: int; denom: int};;
Here is a user defined type to represent a fraction.
let add_ratio r1, r2 = {
num = r1.num * r2.denom + r2.num * r1.denom;
denom = r1.denom * r2.denom};;
ratio -> ratio -> ratio
Here we can return a ratio using the curly braces and setting the num and denom, separated by a ;.
We can also access the denom and num of r1 and r2 using the . operator.
type ratio = {num: int; denom: int};;
Here is a user defined type to represent a fraction.
let add_ratio r1, r2 = {
num = r1.num * r2.denom + r2.num * r1.denom;
denom = r1.denom * r2.denom};;
ratio -> ratio -> ratio
Here we can return a ratio using the curly braces and setting the num and denom, separated by a ;.
We can also access the denom and num of r1 and r2 using the . operator.
Variant Type
Lists the possible shapes for values of that type.
type sign = Positive | Negative;;
Good for trees, pattern matching.
Lists the possible shapes for values of that type.
type sign = Positive | Negative;;
Good for trees, pattern matching.
Imperative Programming Features
for ... to ... do
while ... do
for ... to ... do
while ... do
Two ways of creation
1. Array.create
let arr = Array.create len 0.0;;
len = length
0.0 = initial values of the array
2. [| |]
let arr = [|1;2;3;|];;
Two ways of creation
1. Array.create
let arr = Array.create len 0.0;;
len = length
0.0 = initial values of the array
2. [| |]
let arr = [|1;2;3;|];;
ref j
defines j as a reference
j := !j;;
:= assigns to the contents of j.
! accesses the contents of j.
ref j
defines j as a reference
j := !j;;
:= assigns to the contents of j.
! accesses the contents of j.
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