Tail recursion doesn't imply that a function has to be recursive to be tail recursive.
As long as a return value is immediately returned to the caller.
For example,
function foo1(data) { return a(data) + 1; }
Is tail recursive because the return value of a is not in the tail position (return position of the current function).
function foo2(data) { var ret = a(data); return ret; }
function foo3(data) { var ret = a(data); return (ret === 0) ? 1 : ret; }
However these are not tail recursive because the return value of a is not in tail position.
(* assoc - finds the first matching key and returns value o.w. value *) let rec assoc(value, key, list)= match list with |[] -> value | (key', value')::tail -> if key = key' then value' else assoc(value, key, tail);; (* remove duplicates *) let removeDuplicates(list') = let rec removeDuplicatesHelper(list) = match List.rev(list) with |[]->[] |head::tail -> if List.mem head tail then removeDuplicatesHelper(List.rev(tail)) else [head]@removeDuplicatesHelper(List.rev(tail)) in List.rev(removeDuplicatesHelper(list'));;
Struggled a little with this one. I tried to do it without the Helper, but it wasn't doable because I would call List.rev(else [head]@removeDuplicatesHelper(List.rev(tail))) which reversed every substring being returned from the recursion.
I did it another way when I was taking the class:
(* fill in the code wherever it says : failwith "to be written" *) let removeDuplicates l = let rec helper (seen,rest) = match rest with [] -> seen | h::t -> let seen' = if List.mem h seen then seen else h::seen in let rest' = t in helper (seen',rest') in List.rev (helper ([],l));;
(* wwhile - f returns (result, boolean) while boolean wwhile(f, result) o.w. result. Pretty much we just keep repeating f on its own result until we get false, which will then get our result*) let f x = let xx = x*x*x in (xx, xx < 100);; let rec wwhile(f, x) = match f(x) with |(result, boolean) -> if boolean then wwhile(f, result) else result;; (* fixpoint - if f(x) = x and f(f(x)) = f(x) then f(x) otherwise fixpoint(f, f(x))*) let rec fixpoint(f, x) = if f(x) = x && f(f(x)) = f(x) then f(x) else fixpoint(f, f(x));;
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