Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Getting Apache on Port 80

Lately, I've been trying to set up a server with wamp and couldn't get it to work under port 80.

It worked fine when I switched the "listen 80" line in the apache config file to another port, but I wanted to investigate further.

I tried using the telnet command in cmd to show me the ports and their pids and the result I got was the pid of 4 was using up port 80.

Although, when I looked at my processes it didn't list any process with pid = 4. I thought this was the end of the line for me until I found another guy's post to stop the SQL Server Reporting Services, and sure enough after stopping that service, Apache was able to run on port 80.

On to the next step...


The next issue was configuring mysql. When I selected start service it would try to start, but not succeed. It did work when opened my.ini and changed all of the ports to 80, but wasn't able to log in to phpmyadmin. Looking online, people were saying that they were able to login from a fresh install, so I reverted all the ports back to 3306. Eventually, I found out that another service was running on port 3306. Another mysql service. I stopped the service, restarted all services and sure enough I was able to login to phpmyadmin with just root as the username and a blank password.

I previously had mysql installed on my computer before installing wamp and they had services running on my ports automatically. Make sure you check your ports and free them before you try changing things in the conf files.

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